Friday, March 21, 2008

welcome to hold the flour's blog!

this is our very first blog entry for hold the flour. yeah!

first a little about us. my mother and i created hold the flour a couple of years ago. my mom was making a lot of cakes (like this cutie to the left) for our friends who were having babies. and they were a big hit. you may have seen or heard of diaper cakes before--they are typically made with 75 to 100 disposable diapers and ribbons or little knickknacky stuff. but they seem like a rip off to us--a baby can go through those diapers in a week.

our cakes are 100% reusable and we think they are a great value for the money! (we like to think we are being green.) we tried to think of the essentials for new moms. you need a variety of blankets, burp cloths, cute outfits and of course something to snuggle with. and so the layette cake was born. (that is a ducky layette pictured above.)

from there we came up with all sorts of other great cake ideas--for every type of occasion. you'll have to go check them out on our website:

ok so this first post is about ten times longer than i thought it would be, but we hope that through this blog will be able to provide our readers with a lot of great information about our products, great gift ideas, baby and bridal showers, and more.

we would love to hear from you too! let us know what you think of our website: and this blog. and if you have any topics that you think we should talk about please let us know.


ThePeachTree said...

welcome to the blogging! You have such a lovely and elegant look so far :)

HoldTheFlour said...

thanks peachtree!! i appreciate the visit and the comment!!

Robin Lynne said...

Oh my goodness I love the one with the bucket and sunglasses.. it looks alive!

Neat stuff :)

Smarty Pants said...

Fantastic cakes! So much better than those disposable diaper thingies...these have class!

HoldTheFlour said...

thanks kerry that is so nice of you to say!!

TexasTesla said...

Great start! I do wish your kind of "diaper cake" was around when I had my daughter...and all my friends were having kids too. How cute, yet practical.